Episode 3 - From Myth to Modernity: The Enduring Impact of Storytelling
Welcome to "The Pen Sorcery" podcast, where we embark on a captivating journey through the enchanting world of storytelling. In this...
Episode 3 - From Myth to Modernity: The Enduring Impact of Storytelling
Episode 2 - Crafting Realistic Characters: Unveiling the Depths of Personality
Episode 1: The Art of Story Telling: Crafting Worlds With The Pen's Sorcery
The Pen's Sorcery- Podcast Launch!
How to Write a Lovable Villain- Vlog
How to Create a Realistic Fantasy World - Vlog
Steps to Beginning an Awesome Novel (Vlog)
Official Trailer for Hale: The Realm of the Griffins, by J.K. Noble | New YA Fantasy Novel (2021)
My Editing Experience